Thursday, 6 March 2014

What Do Happy People Do Differently?

So let’s start up this Blog again! It’s been a while since I had time to get to my Blog, my apologies. Most traffic is over now, so let’s get back to reality. 


How do they become/stay so positive??

A positive mindset is essential for living a successful and happy life.

Most of us know all the right things to do but we just need to change our mindset. We can know exactly what we want to achieve on a conscious level but the negative messages and beliefs in our subconscious mind can result in self sabotage.

Happy people develop a belief in them self by creating a positive mindset. They understand that change is often a process and not giving up too soon is vital to succeed.

Now this is easier said than done, when life throws unexpected setbacks and frustrations our way! Often it can feel like being positive is a forced thing. Are we supposed to pretend everything is OK in order to trick our minds into thinking it is? Pretending to be happy and denying sadness when it occurs can be harmful (resulting in a lot of cramped and unsettled emotions).

There’s a better way to make a positive mindset your central frame of mind… the “baseline” to which you can return after life’s ups and downs take you for a roller coaster ride.

So what to do?

The old saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Everything in life holds a lesson to be learned. Sometime these lessons are not immediately clear, but it is important to be proactive in looking for the lesson that is meant to unfold. Feeling sorry for yourself won’t get you anywhere, but making the best of even the most awful situations will propel you forward in a way that you may not even notice right away. 

This is what happy people do;

Visualisation – close your eyes and imagine you are watching a movie of an ideal day in your life going exactly as you would like it to be. Experience the positive and happy emotions in your body. See, hear and feel everything that is going on and capture that feeling.

Declaration: Each day when you wake up and throughout your day repeat your favorite declaration e.g. “I am becoming the fit, healthy and energetic person that I desire to be”

Adjust your thoughts: Be aware of the messages running through your head. As soon as you notice a negative thought, stop it and replace it with a positive thought.

Release your habit muscle: Decide on one encouraging habit and follow thorough until it becomes a natural part of your routine. Then pick another new habit to work on.

Attitude of appreciation: Start to list all of the things that you are grateful for each day. These can be both small things and significant events. This habit will train you to focus on the positive and all the things that are going right.

Reward yourself: Plan some rewards for following through on your action steps and achieving your goals. It’s important to have things to look forward to in life.

Believe that you deserve to have all of your dreams and wishes come true. Everything we think and everything we do is determined by our beliefs. Believe that you can achieve your goals – and you will!

Start right now – SMILE! Hold it… there, that’s better!


To summarize the above, we can say:

The definition of Happiness is:

"Happiness at any given moment is the feeling of satisfaction stemming from the present sum total value of your natural happiness and your behaviour, deeds or achievements in the recent past that can vary in intensity ranging from generic pleasure to strong joyfulness."

What is of most concern to most people, when they are not happy, is: “Why?”

1 comment:

  1. Man oh man!!!! what an energising message to have and Im a firm believer in the law of attraction and how you can only attract to you what your mind visualises and your body feels!!! happiness for me begins with gratitude in everything!!
